Joomla! offers three different types of messages. Creatings standard information about Joomla! system is presented depending on a message type as follows:
Senast uppdaterad torsdag, 20 januari 2011 11:10
Träffar: 1429
Internet Explorer 6 is on the way out, but there is still a significant number of users that are stuck to this browser. According to this, we decided that our templates are going to support IE 6 slightly. By dint of the "IE6 Bar" plug-in, available in templates menu options, users can apply the upper bar in their IE browser to keep them informed that Internet Explorer can not display the Web site properly. Additionally, instead of the whole range of template styles, we created one style- Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS - project's website. Thanks to this, users will have the full access to the web
Senast uppdaterad måndag, 17 januari 2011 15:47
Träffar: 1896
Senast uppdaterad måndag, 17 januari 2011 16:05
Träffar: 1830